Dr Shevanuja Theivendran

Researcher biography
Nanotechnology revolutionizes the trends in biomedical applications. In particular, nanomaterial-based cancer treatment and immunotherapy are hot topics of interest. By paying attention to the molecular-level details of cancer as well as the changes in the tumor microenvironment, novel nanoparticles can be designed (for example: for in-situ capture of generated tumour associated antigens (TAA) and for the regulation of macrophage phenotypes) for treating cancer. Oral delivery of nanotherapeutics and nanovaccine is another topic of broad interest that can maximize patient comfort, reduce medical expenses and reduce complications in administration. In this regard, nanomaterials can be carefully designed to overcome the challenges in the oral delivery of drugs, adjuvants, and genetic materials. Cutting-edge nanotechnology and nanochemistry are combined to develop silica-based delivery systems for cancer vaccines or cancer treatment.
Shevanuja Theivendran finished her bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Mississippi, USA, with 3 years of research experience in synthesizing and characterizing Gold Nanomaterials. During her bachelor's degree, she got a wonderful opportunity to associate with a world-leading expert in the field of crystallization, Prof. Allan Myerson from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA, as a research intern. She was also awarded Taylor Medal in 2016, the university's highest academic award which is awarded as a recognition for her meritorious studies. Thereafter, she got admitted to the Ph.D. program at UQ with the prestigious RTP scholarship in 2018. Shevanuja did her Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Chengzhong Yu, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), focusing on the design of nanoparticles for the capture and delivery of in-situ generated tumour associated antigens (TAA) and the regulation of tumor microenvironment for cancer immunotherapy. She is currently working as a post-doctoral research fellow at AIBN, the University of Queensland. Her current research focuses on the development of nanomaterial-based oral DNA vaccine in collaboration with N4 Pharma and the development of novel nanoplatforms for the regulation of tumor microenvironment by targeting different components of cancer and its microenvironment for cancer treatment.