Pei Cao

Researcher biography
Pei Cao is focusing on developing polymer-coated calcium phosphate nanoparticles (NPs) for effective oral vaccine delivery. Vaccination plays an important role in large-scale commercial farming and has been a key reason for the success of livestock cultivation. Currently, commercial vaccines by the injection are widely used against the disease of livestock in the farming industries. However, injection method makes immunisation more costly, labour intensive, and cross-infections. Oral delivery of antigens would be an ideal method for health management of all aged livestock. Nevertheless, poor and inconsistent responses with low stability due to the antigen destruction and deactivation in gut have limited the application of oral vaccines. Herein, polymer coated calcium phosphate nanoparticles were developed to safely protect vaccine antigens in harsh gastric environment during the delivery to the intestine and induce a specific and strong long-term immune response.
2017.2- present, the University of Queensland, Australia. PhD candidate. China scholarship council (CSC) and UQ top-up Scholarship in Australia. 09.2014-06.2017, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, P.R.China. Master of Science. Full Scholarship at China University of Petroleum. 09.2009-06.2013, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, P.R.China. Bachelor of Science.