Jianping Liu

Researcher biography
Recent researches on the cancer treatment have been focused on eliminating primary solid tumours and avoiding tumour recurrence. However it is difficult to improve therapeutic efficiency just with single cancer treatment due to tumour heterogeneity. To overcome the challenge, a novel organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposite system is developed as co-delivery platform to enhance cancer treatment efficiency and prevent tumour metastasis via the combinational pathway. The successful development of this hybrid nanocomposite system will open a new opportunity to the anticancer combination treatment, providing much-needed hope for patients by greatly increasing the chance of success in cancer therapy.
2017.7- present: PhD candidate in The University of Queensland, Smart organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites for cancer combination treatment, under the supervision of Prof Zhi Ping (Gordon) Xu;
2013.9- 2016.6: M.S. in Tianjin University, Acidity-Activatable Polymeric Nanoparticles for Photothermal/Chemotherapy of the Drug Resistant Breast Tumor, under the supervision of Prof Anjie Dong and Prof Yaping Li (State Key Laboratory of Drug Research and Center of Pharmaceutics, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences);
2009.9- 2013.6: B.S. in Ludong University.