Dr Jingwei Hou

Researcher biography
Dr. Jingwei Hou received his Ph.D. degree in School of Chemical Engineering from the University of New South Wales in 2015. He then joined the UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology (2015-2017) and University of Cambridge (2017-2019, affiliate of the Trinity College) for this post-doctoral research. Currently, Dr. Hou is an ARC DECRA fellow in School of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland.
Dr. Jingwei Hou’s main research focus is on the design and engineering of membrane processes for water treatment, gas separation and energy-related applications. He also focuses on surface and interfacial engineering technique for nanocomposite membranes like metal organic framework, ionic liquid Janus membrane and biocatalytic membranes.
He has attracted over $2m AUD external research funds as the lead CI or sole CI and contributed over 20 plenary, keynote and invited talks. So far, he has >70 publications in highly-ranked international peer-reviewed journals.
Key Publications:
- J. Hou, C. Ashling, S. Collins, A. Krajnc, C. Zhou, L. Longley, D. N. Johnstone, P. A. Chater, S. Li, M-V. Coulet, P. L. Llewellyn, F-X. Coudert, D. A. Keen, P. A. Midgley, G. Mali, V. Chen, T. D. Bennett, Metal-Organic Framework Crystal-Glass Composites. Nature Communication, 2019
- S. Gao, J. Hou*, Z. Deng, T. Wang, S. Beyer, A.G. Buzanich, J.J. Richardson, A. Rawal, R. Seidel, M.Y. Zulkifli, W. Li, T.D. Bennett, A.K. Cheetham, K. Liang*, V. Chen, Improving the acidic stability of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks by bio-functional molecules. CHEM, accepted. (*lead corresponding author)
- H-C. Yang, Y. Xie, J. Hou*, A-K. Cheetham, V. Chen, S-B. Darling*, Janus membranes: creating asymmetry for energy efficiency. Advanced Materials, 30 (2018) 1801495. (*corresponding author)
- C. Ji, J. Hou*, K. Wang, Y-H. Ng, V. Chen*, Single-enzyme biofuel cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56 (2017) 9762-9766. (*corresponding author)
- J. Hou, P. Sutrisna, Y. Zhang, V. Chen*, Formation of ultrathin, continuous metal–organic framework membranes on flexible polymer substrates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55 (2016) 3947-3951.
- H-C. Yang#, J. Hou#, V. Chen, Z-K. Xu, Janus membranes: exploring duality for advanced separation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55 (2016) 13398-13407. (#equal contribution)
- W. Liang, L. Li, J. Hou*, N. D. Shepherd, T. D. Bennett, D. D’Alessandro*, V. Chen, Linking defects, hierarchical porosity generation and desalination performance in metal-organic frameworks. Chemical Science, 9 (2018) 3508-3516. (*corresponding author)